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Frequently Asked Questions

At Bits and Pieces, we strive to provide an easy process of finding, purchasing and shipping merchandise. Whether that's a jigsaw puzzle, puzzle accessories or toys and games, you can trust our process. Below we've provided the most common questions that may arise to help provide any guidance that might be needed.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods are accepted

Bits and Pieces will accept payment methods of Visa Mastercard Discover and American Express

How do I know when a puzzle or product will be back in stock?

At Bits and Pieces, we offer a unique option to add your email to an Out-of-stock item which will notify you and when an item becomes available again.

Do I need to have an account in order to make a purchase?

You do not need to create an account to make a purchase. You may create an account for new users, log into an existing account or Checkout as a guest.

What is the best way to reach someone at Bits and Pieces?

To Order, call 24 hours a day
For Customer Service, Call 8am to 9m EST Mon-Fri
And 10am to 6pm West Sat-Sun
FAX your Catalog order form to: 513.354.1290

If you can't find what you are looking for, please let us know. We'll be happy to help you in any way we can. Please email us at service@bitsandpieces.com or visit our contact page for more information.

How will my personal data be protected?

At Bits and Pieces, our commitment to the highest level of integrity in dealing with our customers extends beyond the highest quality products and services that we sell. We are also committed to protecting the privacy of our customers in their interactions with us through our website.

Does Bits and Pieces accept certificates/coupons?

Yes, we frequently send promotional coupons, and replacement certificates are also accepted

Have another question? Visit Our Contact Information page or send an e-mail directly to Customer Service.

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