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How to Plant Your Border Lily Bulbs

How to Plant Your Border Lily Bulbs

A border of Spring Hill’s carpet border lilies can make any walkway in your yard or garden spring to life. There’s nothing like walking down a dazzling display of colorful, fragrant border lilies in spring or summer. Here’s a quick set of instructions to make your lily border not only a scene to behold, but a planting job you can be proud of.

Quick Instructions

First, choose your variety of border lily. Oriental and Asiatic lilies are the two most common varieties of lilies. Oriental lilies, such as our Carpet Border Lily Starlight Express, have seen their popularity spike in recent times, mostly due to their large, exotic blooms and sweet, heavy aroma. Asiatic lilies, such as our Red Carpet Border Lily, are among the easiest type of lily to grow because they’re a hardy plant that requires no staking. Both varieties require good drainage areas.

Second, choose an area in your yard or garden that receives full sun to part shade. For best results, do this in early spring.

Third, dig holes approximately eight inches deep. After digging, place approximately an inch of dirt mixed with compost back in the hole. This provides the plant with oxygen and food right from the start.

Next, plant your bulbs upright, at least two inches apart, and don’t let them touch each other in the ground. Depth may vary according to the variety, but it’s recommended to set bulbs at approximately seven inches deep.

Finally, keep the bulbs damp by watering every 2-3 days. Be careful not to over-water. Use a fertilizer, such as Spring Hill’s Advanced Formula Plant Food, just after blooming and again later in the fall. To protect your bulbs from freezing in the winter, cover the area with mulch, and remove it in early spring for the best results.

Planting border lily bulbs is an easy, hassle-free process. After long, cold winters, your springtime lily blooms will be a satisfying addition to your garden or lawn for years to come.

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